Our Trainers
Google for Education
Certified Trainer - Sethi De Clercq
Having been a Teacher for more than 10 years and a Certified Trainer Since December 2015. Sethi has led Professional development at numerous schools and has spearheaded the transition of his school to the Cloud. In addition to he maintains a fast growing YouTube Channel(Over 150,000 unique views per month and 18,000 Subscribers), Blog(Eduflip.net) and runs workshops for both Independent EdTech conferences and AppsEvents.
- Bachelor in Early Childhood Development
- Master in Special Educational Needs
- Google for Education Certified Trainer
- Google Certified Educator
- Edmodo Certified Trainer
- AppsEvents Certified Admin Level 2
- Common Sense Certified Digital Educator.
Google for Education
Certified Trainer - Daryl Davis Apas
Davis is currently based in Thailand and the IT Specialist and ICT Teacher. He enjoys working with teachers to find out how technology can make learning come alive for their students. He also enjoys motivating teachers and students to integrate technology across various disciplines. He has been a presenter in a summit for AppsEvents, EdTechTeam, training/workshops for EIS and most recently at DeepLearning Conference. He has led educational workshops on topics such as Educational Technology and Professional Development. He is always on the lookout for new tools to use and share to empower students and teachers.
In addition to a Bachelor in Computer Science and a Bachelor in Secondary Education, he is currently taking up his Masters in Educational Management. He also holds various EdTech certifications such as; Apple Distinguished Educator, Google for Education Certified Trainer, Google for Education Certified Innovator, AppsEvents Certified Admin Level 1 and 2.